Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Three weeks left

Technically the fourteen weeks wont be up by then BUT, I think I can finish by Easter and so that is my new deadline.  I have 21 bags out of the 40 bags done and I can do one or two a day especially now that I have moved to the upstairs of the house.  This has been such a journey for me.  I can't believe that even with 5 kids, I can do all the little things on my to do list a bit at a time.  Like yesterday, along with my daughter who stayed home from school and baby sleeping, we cleaned out and organized the linen closet!  I just kept asking myself as we refolded and stacked towels and sheets, Do I really need or use or even want this in there?  No was usually the answer.  I just want less clutter. I have always been a person who wants one nice thing over a zillion cheap imitations.  I would rather wait and get the good name brand pair of shoes I know fit and last than the Wal mart knock offs. (nothing against Wal mart, shop there weekly!) 

So here's where I am:  I am down almost 12 pounds want to get to 15 by Easter.  I am plateauing a bit but I believe with an extra day or two at the gym each week for the next three I can make it.  I don't think I will have lost even one pound this week but I still have two days to work on it before my meeting Thursday morning. 
I have finished the downstairs but as I look around, more could be done however, I am leaving all the painting and decorating for my next quarter goals.  This quarter is only about cleaning.  I have the following left to do:
Bonus room with attic storage, kids rooms and closets (not much,) master room and bath and closet.  The biggest of all those is the attic spaces in the bonus room walls.  There are three.  One for gift bags and memento storage, one for consignment sale clothing storage, and one is a catch all including seasonal decorations and junk I don't know what to do with.  I know what to do with it now though!!  Old stuff needs to go.  I am excited to finish and proud I have maintained my interest this long.  I think its because its working and I found a system that I designed to fit my needs, thats the key.  I think everyone needs some sort of goal all the time.  When you achieve one you create the next.  Always looking ahead to keep momentum.  Have a great day!