Saturday, January 1, 2011

2011 Here we come!

I cannot figure out how to get that stupid Photo Bucket image out of my blog!  I may have to scrape it and start over.  I have not made any resolutions yet but I know it will revolve around trying to get some decor in this house. It has to be cheap but not tacky.  I tend to avoid buying things because I would rather have nothing than something that looks like a cheap imitation of what I really want so as a result we only have pictures on our walls, of our kids.    I will be back with more solid resolutions sooon. 

It will include losing those same 12 pounds from last year unfortunately and then a few more for good measure, plus 40 Bags in 40 Weeks :  March 9 - April 24.  But a lot can be done before that time.  THe good news is that gives me lots of time to focus on getting in shape and organizing, decorating stuff..