Sunday, April 11, 2010

Project Done!!

I did it!  Well most of it.  I finished the 40 Bags in 40 Days project by Easter.  40 bags of "Outta Here!"  Its gone.  I lost 12 lbs and regained 3 over spring break :(  No matter, I will begin anew tomorrow.  Gym time, store and home to a house full of stuff to be tagged and sorted for my consignment sale this week.  Can't wait!  My goal is to sell more than I buy.  Sounds easy right?  Not when you have 5 kids who need lots of shorts and sundresses.  I think the boys have plenty but the girls need some pretty stuff.  So I finished all the rooms on my list but the bonus room is still in rough shape.  I did get all 3 attics cleaned out though!  I have to figure out what to do with all the scrapbooking stuff I never use.  It makes me feel guilty but I honestly think it will never happen.  I need to just make photo albums.  So overwhelming!  So my next  post will be about my new goals for next quarter.  It worked soooo well I want to do it again.  Decorating is next and something with my Doodle.